Rumors of a 2026 Resident Evil 1 remake have been debunked as insiders disagree

Resident Evil 1 PS1 box art
Will there be a new remake or not? (Capcom)

Rumors about a new remake of the first Resident Evil are not as clear-cut as they seemed, despite the fact that 2026 marks the 30th anniversary.

There have been rumors of a new Resident Evil 1 remake for a while now, and given that 2026 marks the 30th anniversary of the entire franchise, it wouldn’t be surprising if that’s when Capcom plans to remake the classic again. Playstation 1 game.

It also means that it’s very easy to just make it up and pass it off as hearsay. And so various sources seem to disagree on whether or not there will be a new Resident Evil 1 remake.

However, if it does happen, the latest rumor claims that the new remake will not include the pre-rendered backgrounds, but instead will include the crimson zombie heads from the original 2002 GameCube remake.

According to Biohazard Declassified, the new version of the original survival horror will be slower than the remake of Resident Evil 2, with zombies that will take more damage and each will have its own unique design.

The remake will still feature a third-person perspective, but it’s described as “different” and slower-paced than those suited to more action-oriented games.

There will also be an expansion of the Resident Evil 1 lore, though it’s unclear what that might mean – perhaps some new details to tie it to the next games, or to explain the fact that Resident Evil probably won’t be a Zero remake.

Earlier film rumor monger DanielRPK also suggested that the remake would be released in 2026, and at first it seemed that AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem agreed as well.

The Dusk Golem is Resident Evil’s most revered liquor, but it appears that a screenshot taken on Sunday of him confirming the rumor was a fake.

The tweet above seems to make it clear that he doesn’t think a new remake is happening, although there’s always the possibility that he just doesn’t know about it yet.

It always seemed inevitable that Capcom would move on to a new remake of the original Resident Evil because the first one, while well-regarded, is now very old and uses static, pre-rendered backgrounds like the PS1 game.

YouTube poster

That means there are plenty of excuses for a new remake, the only question is when to do it. Some have speculated that Capcom is waiting for all the remakes to be completed, and perhaps we have actually reached that point, as it’s unclear what else will be done after that.

The 30th anniversary is obviously a good occasion as well, but others have speculated that they’ll wait for next-gen or try to make a new first-person remake to further highlight it.

Capcom will be attending Summer Game Fest, but if the remake doesn’t happen until 2026, it’s more likely that we’ll be the first to hear about Resident Evil 9, whether or not these latest rumors are true.

Resident Evil 1 HD Remaster
Another remake seems imminent (Capcom)

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