Pub regulars are upset by plans to convert a popular boozer into a children’s room

A popular ‘estate pub’ which has served its community for around 60 years is under threat of closure after plans emerged to turn it into a nursery. The Cotton Tree Hotel, which has served punters in the School Hill area of ​​Bolton since the mid-1960s, is the subject of a planning application submitted last week by The Nest Therapy Ltd to convert the pub building into a children’s room with a perimeter fence .

The building, just north of Bolton town centre, is still in use but has been put up for sale by its owners on property websites in recent months for around £295,000. The Prince Street pub has a function room that has hosted countless weddings, funerals and other celebrations over the decades.

A recent post on a nostalgic Facebook group about the Bolton-centric pub sparked dozens of fond memories of the Cotton Tree. Those who posted their thoughts described fond memories of country and western nights, rock shows and karaoke nights.

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Several recalled their weddings being held upstairs, many from the pub’s “heyday” in the 1970s. In the 1980s, Bolton’s piper would practice upstairs before retiring for a beer downstairs, and those who worked at the nearby Wallis and Hartley mill would drop in on a Friday afternoon to break their wages.

Plans have been unveiled to convert the Cotton Tree Hotel into a nursery

To this day, the pub welcomes dozens of veterans on Armistice Day, who pop in for a pint or two and swap stories after the parade to mark the borough’s commemorative days, and the pub’s customers and management are proud to support a variety of charities.

Several pubs on the estate close each month as people’s social habits change Local Democracy Reporting Service visited the Cotton Tree early Wednesday night to ask customers what it would mean to lose the neighborhood’s only pub.

It’s fair to say that the unassuming Cotton Tree has seen better days. The exterior of the building looks a little run down, but this is more than compensated for by the warm welcome inside.

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