Backlash for ‘woke’ business as half of Brits say they’re too PC

James Topsfield, Political Editor of Mailonline

08:33 19 May 2024, updated 10:57 19 May 2024

Half of Britons think business is too fixated on political correctness, a survey revealed today.

The study found that 50 percent of those surveyed agreed that firms are “too concerned about taking a political stance on controversial issues” – compared to just 14 percent who disagreed.

The research, conducted by Deltapoll for the Policy Exchange think tank, also found that 75 percent of think tank firms should hire employees based on merit, regardless of race or gender, as well as broader diversity.

Business secretary Kemi Badenoch said it showed bosses needed to be focused on customer delivery rather than “activism or political reasons”.

Policy Exchange launched a project to “methodically document and examine the role and impact of social and ideological considerations on modern business”, particularly “at the expense of shareholder interests and wider society”.

The researchers highlighted examples such as debanking, the Ben & Jerry’s ice cream brand’s criticism of the government’s asylum policy and a mural by the Costa cafe chain of a transgender man with mastectomy scars drinking a drink in one of its express vans.

A third of Britons believe that someone in their workplace has been hired or promoted to meet diversity and inclusion goals rather than in the best interests of the company, according to a survey.

Some 43 percent said they would be less likely to continue working for a company that asked them to wear pronoun badges. Only 7 percent said they would be more likely to want to work for the firm that made the inquiry.

Ms Badenoch said well-intentioned “equality, diversity and inclusion” initiatives could “divide rather than unite”.

The Cabinet Office said: “Policy Exchange’s findings confirm what I know to be true from talking to people who run, work in and buy from businesses.

“The public wants businesses to focus on delivering great products and services, not on activism or political causes that repel as many people as they attract.

“Overwhelmingly, people want companies to hire on merit, selecting the best person for the job without regard to race or gender, rather than social engineering to create ‘diverse teams.'”

Earlier this year, an independent commission appointed by Ms Badenock found that businesses were implementing diversity and inclusion initiatives without an evidence base.

Ms Badenock said: “As the recent Inclusion at Work Panel has shown, many well-intentioned ‘equality, diversity and inclusion’ initiatives divide rather than unite and undermine organizational goals.

Business secretary Kemi Budenock said it showed bosses needed to focus on delivering to customers rather than “activism or political reasons”.

“They are based on speculative and controversial theories with limited evidence of impact.

“Policy Exchange is a timely and welcome contribution to documenting the creeping and counterproductive politicization of our business environment.

“I am committed to working with business on effective ways to drive economic growth, and on this Government’s Inclusive Britain goals – smarter ways to achieve true equality of opportunity.”

Lara Brown, senior researcher at Policy Exchange, said: “Customers do not believe that businesses need to demonstrate a commitment to progressive principles and do not base their spending decisions on the political statements of retailers.

“Employees also resent the politicization of business, with many skeptical of workplace schemes focused on equality, diversity and inclusion.”

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