Saturday Quotes: Mediterranean Diet Scores More; persistent quantum coherence; vegan dogs

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Artist’s impression of VFTS 243 in the Tarantula Nebula. Credit: ESO/L. Kalsada.

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Artist’s impression of VFTS 243 in the Tarantula Nebula. Credit: ESO/L. Kalsada.

This week we reported on the birth pangs of black holes, the questionable claims of a vegan dog study, and a technique for observing entanglement without breaking quantum coherence.

Neutrino prediction

When a large star burns away from its nuclear core, it explodes as a supernova, blasting stellar matter at thousands of kilometers per second. However, this stellar ejection can be asymmetrically balanced, resulting in a recoil called the “progenitor shock” that propels the newly formed neutron star at high speeds. And astronomers have confirmed large-scale asymmetry in the supernova remnants that created neutron stars.

Now, in a new study, researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Germany have investigated whether neutrino-induced natal shocks play a role in the formation of black holes. Through observations of a massive black hole binary called VFTS 243, they estimated that the black hole had undergone a natal velocity of 4 kilometers per second. It is noteworthy that this is a small neutrino impact, but the calculation is consistent with theoretical predictions.

Eat it, feel better

Many studies show the benefits of the Mediterranean diet, including weight loss, cancer prevention, brain health, cognitive benefits that include a reduced rate of cognitive decline, gut and heart health. But researchers are still studying this eating style, which emphasizes antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains, healthy fats like those found in fatty fish and olive oil, and fermented foods like yogurt.

A new study by scientists from the University of South Australia and the University of the Sunshine Coast found that the Mediterranean diet (which I like to call “eating like an adult”) reduces symptoms of stress and anxiety. Researchers evaluated the effects of the diet on the mental health of 294 elderly volunteers and reported that it reduced anxiety and stress in a manner independent of age, sex, and body mass index.

UniSA researcher Dr Evangeline Manzioris says: “In this study we showed that when older people followed a Mediterranean diet, their symptoms of stress and anxiety were reduced – and that this happened regardless of their age, sex, BMI or amount of sleep and that’s a big advantage for the Mediterranean diet – with relatively easy lifestyle changes, people can significantly reduce their stress and anxiety levels – who wouldn’t want to try it?”

The wave function is stable

I feel it’s my responsibility to break quantum coherence by observing things, just in case any entangled particles lower the value of the properties, defying classical mechanics. No wave features in my area. Basically, quantum coherence refers to the ability of subatomic particles to exist in multiple states simultaneously. Once you measure it, it degenerates into a system that can only be described by classical mechanics. But a Harvard research team has now demonstrated that quantum coherence can be preserved in a chemical reaction involving ultracold molecules.

Using laser cooling and magnetic trapping, the researchers cooled potassium and rubidium molecules to almost absolute zero. The molecules slowed down, allowing researchers to detect individual quantum states. They found that quantum coherence was preserved and concluded that K2 and rubles2 the molecules were entangled. By deliberately decohering the molecules, they demonstrated control over the distribution of reaction products. In theory, this answers long-standing questions about whether quantum coherence can be maintained during a chemical reaction in which multiple bonds are broken and formed.

Correlation is still not causation

One of the worst things to ever happen in the 2010s was when Redditors discovered the phrase “correlation is not causation” and used it as a great Cloud Strife-destroying sword to bash scientists, who discuss their work on Reddit. Scientists are aware of the inequality of causation and correlation. It is so fundamental that studies are designed to account for it. However, a new study on animal diets refutes a previous study that unfortunately justifies the insufferable science of Redditors.

As the owner of a beagle dog with a history of careless eating and a nose for food wrappers on the sidewalk, I’m not entirely immune to the health claims of feeding dogs a vegan diet. A study published in April 2022 recommended a nutritionally balanced vegan diet as “the healthiest and least dangerous diet for dogs”, but now researchers at the University of Liverpool have re-examined the data and found that the study did not support their claims, including links between vegan diet and owners’ perceptions of dog health.

Alex German, professor of small animal medicine, said: “After first reading this paper in 2022, it was clear that the study was based solely on owner survey data and had an observational design, meaning that the relationship between diet type and dog health can only be assumed possible correlation rather than causation.”

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